Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

30 Jul 2011

Amelia's Mimi-Doll

When I just got pregnant with Amelia, I was dreaming of making toys for her. You know the kind of "Ugly" toys that run you $40-50 for a bit of fabric and a few buttons. As soon as we felt safe at about four months (oh how wrong we were...), my mom, grandma, and I bought a lot of fun fabrics for all the toys I was going to make for my baby.

On my first Mothers Day we made this Mimi doll for Amelia, and for us. Since then, I spent days and nights hugging, cradling, kissing, rocking her... She gives me comfort in the present and hope for the future. Sometimes I feel Amelia in her. Those are the rare moments when I get to hold her and kiss her cute nose.

Last night Mimi got her first outfit - a tutu that I was going to make for Amelia! Hope you like it :)

Amelia's mom

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